• Do you believe the result of the assessment accurately reflects your personality? Why or why not
  • Why is a self-analysis and the creation of skill development plans part of the behavioral competencies of value?
  • How might the experience of working in small groups benefit your organization?
  • How does familiarity with the SHRM website and toolkits broaden your access to current HR-focused concepts, practice, and strategies?
  • Why is it important for HR professionals to make data-based decisions and to ensure that they are lifelong learners?

Survey Complete

Reviews of research about personality have identified five common aspects of personality, referred to as the Big Five personality traits. Find out which are your most prominent traits. Read each of the following statements, marking “Yes” if it describes you and “No” if it does not.

Yes No

Q: In conversations, I tend to do most of the talking.  

Q: Often people look to me to make decisions.  

Q: I am a very active person.  

Q: I usually seem to be in a hurry.  

Q: I am dominant, forceful, and assertive.  


Describe Extroversion

0 5

3 3/5

The more times you selected "yes" for the statements in a category, the more likely you are to have the associated trait.

Yes No

Q: I have a very active imagination.  

Q: I have an active fantasy life.  

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Q: How I feel about things is important to me.  

Q: I �nd it easy to feel myself what others are feeling.  

Q: I think it’s interesting to learn and develop new hobbies.  


Openness to

Experience 0 5

5 5/5

The more times you selected "yes" for the statements in a category, the more likely you are to have the associated trait.

Yes No

Q: My �rst reaction is to trust people.  

Q: I believe that most persons are basically well-intentioned.  

Q: I’m not crafty or shy.  

Q: I’d rather not talk about myself and my accomplishments.  

Q: I’d rather praise others than be praised myself.  


Agreeableness 0 5

4 4/5

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The more times you selected "yes" for the statements in a category, the more likely you are to have the associated trait.

Yes No

Q: I come into situations being fully prepared.  

Q: I pride myself on my sound judgment.  

Q: I have a lot of self-discipline.  

Q: I try to do jobs carefully so that they don’t have to be done again.  

Q: I like to keep everything in place so that I know where it is.  


Conscientiousness 0 5

5 5/5

The more times you selected "yes" for the statements in a category, the more likely you are to have the associated trait.

Yes No

Q: I enjoy performing under pressure.  

Q: I am seldom sad or depressed.  

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Q: I’m an even-tempered person.  

Q: I am levelheaded in emergencies.  

Q: I feel I am capable of coping with most of my problems.  


Emotional Stability

0 5

5 5/5

The more times you selected "yes" for the statements in a category, the more likely you are to have the associated trait.

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